Muskrat Accountability
By: Ryan Young
Here is a question I have to ask: If Muskrat Falls is so bad
that everybody refuses to take accountability for it, why don’t we just scrap
the whole damn thing? I am not the first person to point out the strangeness of
many of the #MakeMuskratRight protesters saying that they
don’t want the project stopped entirely. I am sure many people feel that we
have too much invested to turn back now, but with the final cost likely to be
double what we have already spent, and the questions surrounding the north spur
and methylmercury, it is hard to justify the reasoning that we must forge ahead
at any cost. None of our political parties are willing to take the bull by the
horns and demand a real stop/go analysis of the project, and the Liberals and
PC's seem to be entrenched in a never-ending game of who-done-it.
So, just who do we
blame for the boondoggle that is Muskrat Falls? At the PC Annual General Meeting
last weekend, we heard that their party was not responsible for the current
issues with the project. This revelation was met with much eye-rolling and
public scrutiny, as is to be expected. This was after all the party of Danny
and Kathy, who were determined to push this project through no matter what the
cost. For them to take such a stand is laughable, and none but the most
partisan blues are buying it.
Whenever we ask the current Liberal government about it they
shrug and remind us they didn’t sanction the project. This past weekend, some
Liberal MHA’s were sharing a new website that mysteriously appeared at the
height of public outrage at the Liberal inaction of the situation in Labrador, highlighting
the Muskrat Falls timeline from 2005 until just before the Liberals took office
in 2015. is full of quotes
from current and former PC’s, and appears to be a hyper-partisan attempt to
shift the heat that the government has been taking back onto the Tories. While
the Liberals will deny any involvement in the website, its timing and content
would make that appear to be suspect at best. They think the people have
forgotten who started this mess, but they are wrong. The people remember quite
well, which is why the PC party was reduced to just 7 seats last November. The
people know full well who got us here, but they also know that they elected a
new government to make things right. This latest move forces us to question if
this government is only there to point fingers or if they actually plan to make
any meaningful changes to the Muskrat Falls project.
Then we have others who like to blame the NDP and anyone
else that was not crying foul of Muskrat Falls from the very minute that the
words came out of King Danny’s mouth. Those who would say that if you were not
there opposing the project in 2010, you have no business opposing it now. That
is a very weak argument considering the many revelations that have come to the
public’s attention over the past year or two. When it became clear that Nalcor
had not been honest with the people on several issues, we began to wonder what
else they might be lying about.
So, who do we blame for this monstrosity of a pickle we have
gotten ourselves into? Not many members of the media were printing negative
stories about the project in the beginning. Most people were too happy to be
finally getting a one-up on the Quebec boogeyman to take a real hard look at
the economics or the environmental aspects of the project. Those who did were
written off as nay-sayers with their own agendas. Ed Hollett, Clyde Wells’
former EA, was a legendary Danny Hater. Cabot Martin, Dave Vardy, and Des
Sullivan were the disgruntled Peckford Tories who were shut out of Danny’s
government, Brad Cabana was written off as a Danny hater and a crack-pot, and
many others were dismissed and ignored. Despite what your opinions of any of
these people might be, they have all contributed to the ongoing Muskrat Falls
discussion and have been instrumental in bringing the realities of the project
into the public eye. All of these people were largely ignored by the media and
the public at large for years. It is only now that the facts about the project
are finally emerging that we are collectively realizing what a mess we have
gotten ourselves into, and that many of the so-called nay-sayers were right all
Over and over we were told to trust Nalcor’s world class
experts and science. We were told that the project was the only one that made
sense, and that we were on-track to bring Newfoundland and Labrador energy
independence. The economy was doing very well at the time Muskrat was announced,
and most people were too busy working and enjoying being a “have” province to
pay close attention to the handful of people who were daring to go against
Danny Williams. Nalcor assured us all that science was sound and that there
would be no negative impacts from methylmercury, no safety issues from the
north spur, and cost overruns would be minimal.
Former Nalcor CEO Ed Martin told us blatant lies about how
the contracts were let for Muskrat Falls. He said that they had used
fixed-price contracts, but then later denied that statement and told us that
the contracts we not actually fixed at all. This is one of the major reasons that
cost overruns have greatly increased since construction began. Neither Martin,
nor Lower Churchill head, Gilbert Bennett have ever been involved in a project
like this before, yet we were told time and again to blindly trust their
leadership without any public transparency or government oversight. Earlier
this year, Stan Marshall was brought in to bring the project back on track, but
other than to tell us that Muskrat was a boondoggle, silent Stan has been
nowhere to be seen. As the project encounters even more problems and costs
continue to skyrocket, we are being asked to blindly trust Stan. Sound
We all know that the PC’s sanctioned this project and
basically gave Nalcor a blank cheque and free reign to do as it saw fit. A
total lack of government oversight on the project allowed unqualified leaders
at Nalcor to let things spiral out of control with not nearly enough attention
paid to the economics and environmental concerns. A questionable company,
Astaldi, was brought in to construct the dam, and the entire construction
process has been mired in delay and controversy right from the start. Yet, if
you look at the PC twitter feeds, you would swear that they were never involved
in the project at all. Unless of course you ask them if it is still a good
project. Then they are quick to defend Danny’s legacy and blame the current
Liberal mismanagement for all of the current issues at Muskrat Falls.
No doubt, the Tories have had an easy time in opposition,
with new ammo being served up on a silver platter by government almost daily, but
their time in the wilderness does not seem to have given them much time for
contemplation on how they ended up swept from power last fall. If the PC party
is really serious about renewal, a good place to start might be take a long,
hard look at how they got where they are in the first place. The Tory arrogance
that people were so fed up with leading up to the last election has not gone
anywhere, and trying to shift the blame for Muskrat Falls to the Liberals is
not earning them any points from anyone but their own partisans.
And where is Wade Locke these days? The MUN economist was
long the PC’s champion “expert” in justifying the business case for sanctioning
the project. Locke assured us that oil prices would remain at record highs long
into the future, and that the only option to be considered was Muskrat Falls.
The words “lowest cost option” were thrown around so much that they lost all
meaning to anyone who was listening. When asked by Pete Soucy when the project
would no longer be the best cost option, Locke put the number at about $8
Billion. You would think that statement should have raised more eyebrows.
Surely they must have anticipated cost overruns in such a remote construction
location. With a ceiling of $8 Billion, they were left with very little wiggle
room from the start. Now that oil is trading at less than $50 a barrel and cost
overruns have but the project at $12 Billion and growing, it would be nice to
hear Mr. Locke tell us at what point it makes sense to pull the plug.
That brings us back around to our current Liberal government.
Yes it is true that they voted against the sanctioning of the project, but don’t
read too much into that. Voting against a majority government is what opposition
parties do. The real litmus test came when the Liberals took over last fall and
were handed the keys to the Muskrat castle. We were given lots of words like “oversight”
and “accountability,” but we didn’t really see any of those things, or any changes
to the project. Pulling the plug was never on the table for the Liberals, and
neither was further clearing of the reservoir to mitigate against methylmercury
concerns until the protests got so loud. Instead the government followed the
same template as their predecessors and kept Nalcor firmly in the driver’s
seat. Finance Minister (and former PC supporter) Cathy Bennett sat on the board
of directors at Nalcor and was accused of conflicts of interest regarding
business contracts related to Muskrat Falls. It comes as no surprise that despite
her harsh words for Nalcor in the budget speech, that she and her colleagues in
cabinet were quite content for the project to keep moving along, business as
usual. Unfortunately for her and the rest of the Liberals, that didn’t happen,
and we were left with the Ed Martin severance fiasco, the mass resignation of
the Nalcor board, and the nationwide protests that our premier assured us had
no bearing at all on governments decision.
The Ed Martin debacle was a golden opportunity for the
Liberals to break Nalcor and Muskrat Falls wide open. They could have opened
things up to the public and let us see the extent of the mismanagement at our
crown energy corporation. They could have ensured that the public fully
realized the mess that the project became under the PC’s and would have earned
an enormous amount of political capital without having to take any ownership
for Muskrat Falls. Instead they chose to bumble and delay, and make themselves
look like they were trying to hide everything from the public. For several days,
last spring, each time the premier opened his mouth, lies came out. Instead of
taking a golden opportunity to come out swinging and throw the PC’s under the
bus, they decided to take ownership of all that negativity, and put themselves
in a very tough position. It makes one
wonder what, or who, they might be protecting?
That brings us right back to where we started. Who do we
blame for Muskrat Falls? The answer is certainly not black and white, and the
blame runs deep. Danny, Kathy and the PC’s part played their part, as did
Nalcor and its board and executives. The Liberal and NDP opposition of the day
didn’t do enough to bring science and evidence into their political opposition
to the project. The people have been too trusting of government, Nalcor, and
the media to bring them the facts about the project. And now, the current
government has not provided any degree of acceptable leadership to restore the
faith of the people in the reasoning for finishing this project. It is easy to
point the finger of blame and find a target when it comes to Muskrat Falls, but
now that it has become crystal clear that this government has no intentions of
stopping the project altogether, we need to stop talking about blame and start
talking about responsibility.
The premier can stand in front of the province and say that
he did not sanction the project and that his government inherited this
boondoggle, but at this point those things no longer matter. The day he was
sworn in as premier, he took responsibility for Muskrat Falls, and it is his
responsibility now to make sure the concerns of the people are heard. The poor
planning and management has continued under the leadership of Ball and
Marshall, and the premier has dithered on each and every issue he has
encountered. This has caused him to keep getting backed into corners and appearing
weak whenever there are questions about his leadership. What we need is for our
government to tell us the truth and stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes
on Muskrat Falls like the previous administration did for so long. It was this
attitude that pushed the PC’s back into the political wilderness, and the way
things are going, the Liberals are very likely in for a similar fate.
All the blame in the world cannot hide the fact that the
Liberals hold the power now. They have the numbers and the science in their
hands and they have had more than enough time to develop a real plan for
Muskrat Falls. The premier can stand at the microphone and say that the
protests had nothing to do with the recent agreement with indigenous leaders,
but we all know that this government failed to act until they were backed into
a corner, again. Even then, he was quick to point the finger of blame, and
suggested that we were asking the wrong premier questions about Muskrat Falls.
Well here is some advice for our premier. Real leadership is not about pointing
fingers and ducking out back doors. It is about meeting problems head-on and
making decisions, even when they are hard or unpopular. It is about engaging
the people who are desperately seeking your leadership on important issues,
even when you know they wont agree with you. And most importantly it is about
standing up for what is right and good, and inspiring others to follow you and
to believe in you.
Does Dwight Ball have what it takes to be a real leader? I won’t
attempt to answer that, but I do know that our premier has done very little to inspire
confidence in our people. How can we believe in him, when he has not done or
said anything to give us something to believe in? At this point we are left to
judge on the track record so far, and for that, the 20% approval ratings might
be generous. It is time for our premier and our government to stop playing the
blame game and to stand up and lead this province. We can no longer afford to
look to our past, the time has come to start looking to the future. So please Mr.
Premier, stop playing the blame game and start leading.